Leadership Perspectives

To improve things, you have to measure them

Marie Peeler

Ever since college girls starting doing Cosmo quizzes, people have been curious about self-tests – or assessment tools, as practitioners prefer to call them.  Just about every week my Facebook friends offer me enticing opportunities to learn about myself by completing online questionnaires to determine “How military are you?”, “What’s the Nationality of your soul?” […]

Leadership Development

Uncovering what leaders know: What coaches do

Marie Peeler

The most successful coaching engagements start with a successful leader who, as a person, is healthy, whole, and resourceful. Leaders who are confident but humble, and smart but willing to learn, come to coaching with an open mind, so that another person, skilled in the tools of coaching, can help them find answers that are […]

Have you done your personal SWOT analysis?

By: Marie Peeler

Organizations frequently do SWOT analyses because they are effective tools for reflection and planning. Individual leaders can and should gain the same benefits. While there are many tools and processes to engage during the creation of a strategic plan, none is so time honored as the SWOT analysis. The classic SWOT analysis examines the Strengths, […]

Leaders need to keep learning

Sometimes, in the attempt to deal with the increasing volume and complexity of everything coming at us, we cope by trying to work harder and do more.  We can become myopic in our attempt to simply manage our environments. How’s that working for you? Probably not great because it’s exhausting and not a great strategy.  […]