Peeler Associates has extensive experience working with the leadership challenges of nonprofit organizations.
We’ve worked with nonprofits since our inception and, because we do not work exclusively with nonprofits, we believe that our mix of experience makes us a valuable resource for the nonprofit community. We’ve applied our skills to Health, Human Services, Housing, Education, Family Services, Foundations, Community Funds, Volunteerism, National Service, and more in service of increasing the leadership effectiveness of nonprofit leaders and better enabling their organizations to accomplish their missions.
Nonprofit organizations are very different from for-profit organizations – or are they? The answer is yes and no. Nonprofit organizations are different in many ways, but the challenges that the leaders of nonprofits face in terms of developing their capacity to be better and stronger leaders are surprisingly the same. Nonprofit leaders have the same relationship challenges, nonprofit teams experience the same silo issues, and nonprofit organizations face the same concerns of getting all the organization’s leaders onto the same page.
Peeler Associates has helped nonprofit organizations meet all of these challenges and more with Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Leadership Assessment, Custom Workshops and Seminars, Leadership Retreats, and Board Facilitation that increase critical nonprofit leadership capacity.