Leadership Perspectives

What you can do to make 2014 your best year ever

Were you your best leadership self in 2013?  If so, do you want to keep getting better?  If not, do you want a chance to make 2014 your year to shine?  Here are just a few key things that you can do to be more effective and happy with your performance in 2014. Set a […]

Empathy: A powerful tool for leaders

The following article, which I wrote, originally appeared on the PMANewsline.com Business Success Column on July 3, 2013.  It is reprinted here with permission. People – and your relationships with people – are the lifeblood of your business. Customers, prospects, employees, and even suppliers are people that you need in order for your business to […]

Why we really don’t listen very well

Leaders, you know how important listening is.  And you probably know some distinctions around “active listening.”  But if you are like many leaders, you still don’t listen very well. March is International Listening Awareness Month.  One key to better listening awareness is understanding the barriers to listening and working to overcome those barriers. The are […]

Seven benefits of better listening

Listening is one of the most effective tools that a leader has in his arsenal. With relatively little effort, a leader who is a good listener can net high yield results. Think about it. When you listen, you don’t have to DO much of anything. Yes, you may ask some curiosity questions or clarifying questions, […]

Seven things you can do to achieve your intentions

Now that we are more than a month into the New Year, I have to ask:  How many of you made New Year’s resolutions?  I don’t know the statistics but anecdotal evidence would suggest that very few people bother to make these annual pledges to themselves any more.  It seems that a lot of people […]

Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm; Rough seas require transformative leadership

“I am personally convinced that one person can be a change catalyst, a ‘transformer,’ in any situation, any organization.  Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf.  It requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, courage, and faith to be a transforming leader.”  Stephen R.  Covey, from Principle-Centered Leadership. When I do workshops […]

Four easy ways to increase your interpersonal effectiveness in 2013.

One of the most important skills that a successful leader depends upon is their own interpersonal effectiveness.  As the New Year gets underway, there are a few simple things that you can begin to do today to increase your effectiveness with co-workers, employees, and other leaders in your organization. Smile.  Underrated as a tool for […]

7 things extraverts and introverts can each do to be better leaders

In my last post, I asked you to make a list of all the ways that your preference for introversion or extraversion may help you in your leadership endeavors.  (To understand whether you prefer introversion or extraversion, read Do you prefer extraversion or introversion?  Your leadership style may depend upon it.)  Then I suggested that […]

Do you prefer extraversion or introversion? Your leadership style may depend upon it.

When it comes to learning effective leadership, there are guidelines, there is wisdom, there’s even common sense, but there is not one style that fits all.  That’s because leaders are people first and foremost, and people come in all types – literally and figuratively. To increase our effectiveness, we have to start with self-understanding, that […]

Leading creatively instead of reactively

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of CFOs and other financial executives about leadership competencies that allow us to work in a creative, generative mode. Using a simplified adaptation of a model that I use frequently to work with clients (developed by Bob Anderson of the Leadership Circle), I also […]